Learning Disability

What is a learning disability?

Broadly speaking, learning disabilities in adults affect the way they learn new things throughout their lifetime. This could affect the speed at which they learn new skills or to live independently. Learning disabilities can also combine with physical disabilities and can vary from person to person.

How can we help?

We are committed to empowering individuals with Learning Disabilities by enabling them to develop daily living skills and relationships, as well as increasing their confidence. We focus on ensuring people lead full, healthy and active lives. Through our ethos of person-centred care, we work to ensure that the support we provide is properly tailored to the individual, meaning that no matter what the learning disability, our specialists can help to improve the person’s ongoing wellbeing.

We support everyone from people with mild learning disabilities to those who have limited or no verbal communication, sensory processing disorders, autism, as well as those with physical disabilities. Solving Homes also supports people who may present with challenging behaviours, and who may present with a risk of offending.

Solving Homes’ support services are provided with support from our external partners.  Some of these include including learning disability and mental health professionals, psychology, positive occupational therapists and speech and language professionals.

We involve those using our services in decision  making processes and use formal and informal methods to gather their feedback regularly.  We call this approach “Ask, Listen, Do.” This helps our services to be shaped by the people who use them.